Thursday, March 3, 2011

We're Home!

We left Nairobi at 11 p.m. on Wednesday night and landed in Omaha at 1:20 p.m. today . . . after 24 hours of traveling . . . 18+ hours in the air. Remember, Nairobi is 9 hours ahead of Lincoln time.

Our flights were on time but like non other flights we have ever been on. Three hours into our flight from Nairobi to Amsterdam, there was a medical emergency. The crew members and a doctor on board worked for over an hour to revive a man. Sadly, he did not live.

On our flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, there was another medical emergency. An elderly woman was having health issues before she even boarded the plane. The cabin members tried to get her to not get on the flight, but she did. Fortunately, her situation turned out better, even though it required a doctor to monitor her during the remainder of the flight.

Ken and I are very thankful to God for his hand of protection on our lives during this past month. We had a great trip . . . will write more about it when I can stay awake! :-)


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