Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Heading Home

Bags are packed and weighed . . . none over 50 lbs, which is a miracle in itself! In a few hours, we will head to the Nairobi airport to begin our journey back to America. Where have these past 4 weeks gone?

We have been in Nairobi since Saturday night, staying at Jon & Molly's at KKV. Nairobi is lush with green . . . and beautiful flowers . . . and cool temps! What a welcome relief from the 125-130 degree temps in Tana River!

There will be time to reflect on the past 4 weeks during the long flight home.

It's bittersweet leaving Kenya . . . leaving the wonderful people and friends in Tana River yet looking forward to seeing family and friends in America.

Thank you for your continued prayers as we travel home.

Arlene & Ken

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