Monday, February 7, 2011

Safe Arrival

Over the weekend, we arrived safely in Kenya! Saturday night we landed in Nairobi, and before the night was over, boarded another plane to fly directly to Mombassa,Kenya, where we spent the next two nights, along with a rather large cockroach.

Today, Monday 2/7, we arrived in Garsen, Kenya, and will be spending the next week and a half working at the Basket of Hope Conference Center in the Tana River area.

We will post updates and photo's as we have internet access, and we hope to skype with our church family on an upcoming Sunday morning. In the meantime, we make the occasional phone call to our kids and grandkids during our free time in the hot, starry summer evenings.

Thank you for your prayers as we continue on this trip! We pray all is well with you and yours! Stay warm!

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