Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello from Paris

We arrived at the Paris airport at 5:15 a.m. this morning, Wednesday, February 24th, and our flight for Chicago leaves at 12:50 p.m. Originally, we had thought we would go into the city, but we decided not too, especially after being told to be careful if we do. As it turns out, we really would not have had enough time to do so. It took us 45 minutes just to get our boarding passes from Paris to Chicago, not to mention how looooooong it has taken us to get through security.

It is very cool here . . . 44 degrees when we landed. Cold compared to where we have been but not as cold as what we are returning to! :-) It is overcast and rainy in Paris.

Hope the snow all melts before we get home!

Love to all,

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