Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kenya Here We Come!

December 9, 2009
Dear Family & Friends,

It’s official! After 2 years at home, we are going back to Kenya! The team leaves on January 28th and returns on February 23rd.

This blog will allow us to keep in touch with you and you with us, including pictures. We will soon post pictures from our 2007 trip.

We will spend 2 weeks (maybe longer) in the rural, sub-Sahara desert area of the Tana River/Lamu Districts, where we will
• Visit rural schools participating in a feeding program for the children
• Teach at a Women In Ministry leaders 3-day meeting
• Check on a new and cheaper well system (hope to install one)
• Check on KickStart Water Pumps already in place and seeing where others can be placed
• Visiting the 4-acre site being donated for use as a mission center
• Experience making bricks to be used for schools, homes, and the new mission center
• Visit the boys and girls schools on Lamu Island

While in Nairobi, we will
• experience firsthand the care and nurturing of the AIDS/HIV positive babies at New Life Home
• visit The Ark, a residential home for children with AIDS
• visit Kings Kids Village, an orphanage for children with AIDS

We will also visit the New Life Homes in Kisumu, Nakuru, and Nyeri, as well as visit the newly built family homes in Kericho, the tea field area of Kenya. These family homes are for older children with AIDS.
